Damages Recoverable in a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Pennsylvania

Accidents happen. Often, they happen when we least expect them. Regardless of the nature of the accident, they can cause financial hardship along with severe physical and emotional distress. When another party was the cause of your injuries, you can likely recover...

Social Host Liability in New Jersey

During the summer months it is likely we will either host or attend a party “down the shore,” across the river from the city, or somewhere else in the Garden State.  These day-time or evening parties often involve alcohol being served and are usually safe and a lot of...

What to Do If Your Train Derails

A tragic incident occurred early this morning when an Amtrak train traveling from Washington DC to New York City was derailed forcing over 200 passengers to seek medical treatment at Temple University Hospital. A train derailment can be an extremely terrifying event,...

Penalties for DUI or DWI In New Jersey

If You Are Charged With DUI or DWI Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) carries stiff penalties, including fines, license suspension and in some cases imprisonment. Also known as “driving while intoxicated” (DWI), DUI is illegal in every state If you...

Philadelphia Snow Removal Requirements

While some people may enjoy the time off gained from a snow day, snow and other winter conditions can affect more than just a daily routine. Snow and icy conditions can cause a hazardous commute for pedestrians, and might result in serious injury from a slip and fall....

What to do When a Dog Bites You

We are all familiar with news stories where a person is a victim of a dog bite. But how often do dog bites really occur? According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Out of those incidents,...