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Joan’s Spaghetti with Tuna and Broccoli

Serves 4

1 small onion
3 medium garlic cloves, chopped
4 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced, stems removed (optional)
5 anchovie fillets
1 can (6 oz.) light tuna, preferably in oil
1 bunch (about 10 oz.) fresh broccoli, stems removed and broken apart
1 can (14 oz.) regular chicken stock/broth
1 tsp. hot red pepper flakes–or to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
1 box (16 oz). DeCecco spaghetti or linguini
1/4 cup freshly grated locatelli cheese
Olive oil and garlic powder

Coat bottom of large saucepan with olive oil; saute onion and garlic until light brown. If using optional mushrooms, also saute at this time. Add tuna to mixture and lightly brown. Add anchovie fillets, which will dissolve, along with red pepper. Meanwhile, place broccoli in a microwaveable bowl with small amount of water. Cover with wax paper and microwave on high about 4 minutes or until tender. Remove and drain broccoli, coat with olive oil, sprinkle lightly with garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Add broccoli to mixture and continue to saute for about 3 minutes to coat broccoli. Add 14 oz. can of chicken broth and toss in locatelli. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until ready to use. Meanwhile, cook spaghetti in large pot of boiling, salted water until tender but firm to the bite. Drain pasta and return it to the pot. Pour tuna and broccoli mixture over pasta. Toss and serve in heated bowls.

Buon appetito!