Meet the Team: Debbie Edelman

Debbie Edelman has worked with attorneys her entire career and knows what makes Stampone Law special. “We talk about Stampone as being family oriented and we are,” she explained. ” It’s the team aspect.  We know about each other, we have a great rapport,...

Watercraft Liability: What You Need To Know

Taking a ride out on the water this weekend? We’re excited for you! Whether you are planning a trip for fishing, watersports or just relaxing with friends or family, there is no denying the joys of being out on a boat or wave runner in the hot summer weather. While...

Who is Liable for Bicycle Accidents in Philadelphia?

Spring is here and as sure as the flowers bloom cyclists will hit city streets in droves. Philadelphia is home to over 435 miles of bike lanes not to mention beautiful waterfront and off-path trails. The City of Brotherly Love is superb for bikers, that is, unless...

Supplemental Social Security Income Eligibility & Limitations

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income. SSI provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Eligibility for SSI is based on your assets and income. It is...