The Sunniest Day of All

My wife Julia and I have been blessed five times with healthy children who have grown into young adults.  It seems like only yesterday that all five were in tow loaded into the Volkswagen Vanagon for a trip to Grandmom’s, the little league field, or just out to get an...

Are You Trying to Say Capisce?

“ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY CAPISCE (PRONOUNCED CAP-E-SHAY)? WELL DON’T DO IT, BECAUSE IT HURTS MY EARS WHEN YOU DO IT” Vinnie Antonelli, My Blue Heaven, 1990 Played by Steve Martin I wish I had a dollar for every time a friend, relative, server and even experienced...

Senator Nick Stampone Scholarship Fundraiser

Monday, September 26th, 2011, 7:00pm Constatter’s I promised you a look inside a very talented, yet unorthodox cast of characters called my family. People who welcome you with open arms and who you feel like you knew for years when it’s only been a matter of minutes....

“Hot Coffee”, The Film

Over the past 30 years, I’ve represented people who have been seriously injured as the result of the negligence of a third party.  I’ve also watched in amazement as the legal system has become stacked against my clients.  Susan Saladoff, a former Plaintiff’s attorney,...