“Monicker Mockers” or “Life in Tacony”

Over the years I have heard my grandfather  reminisce about his youth on innumerous occasions and no matter the theme of his story; whether it be tragedy or triumph, they always end the same way; with a good laugh. The common thread found in these recounted tales that...

William Carlyle Foster – “Family Hero”

“Time certainly changes the complexion of things very quickly – – it seems but a few months ago that Billy was only a little boy in knee-pants when I made some of my first visits to Philadelphia.  He is grown up now; his development has been fast; he has grown...

Established 1984

It seems like only yesterday, my first legal employer was giving me two weeks notice from his executive suite on the 7th Floor of Two Penn Center.   Tony Baloney, aside from being a high level executive and department head in the Rizzo Administration, was also a very...

Bring Your Passion to Harvest

There are many things I enjoy in life, but one of my favorites is the celebration of success with friends and family.  When that success is the acknowledgement of the tireless work, passion, and imagination of a brother, son, and business partner – – how sweet...

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it” – Yogi Berra

Congratulations to my nephew Kevin O’Brien on his graduation from Widener University School of Law and passing the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bar exams. Kevin has proven to be an extraordinary asset in recent years at Stampone law and is on his way to becoming an...